Fitness Tip of the Day #10

TFT WorkoutMusic500x5001 Fitness Tip of the Day #10

Music makes exercise more enjoyable and has been proven to benefit overall performance

Fitness Tip of the Day:

Keep your music list current (and between 120 and 140 beats per minute) when you need a workout “boost”!

There’s no denying it!  Music is a secret weapon to getting a great workout and making the time in the gym seem to go by a little bit faster.  That’s why fitness clubs have music blasting in the background, group fitness classes are choreographed to music, and the majority of club members are wearing white earbuds as “standard uniform” in the cardio area and on the workout floor. Read more.

Fitness Industry Trends for 2014

ACSM Fitness Trends2014 231x300 Fitness Industry Trends for 2014

The eighth annual Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends was recently released by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) as a prediction of the top 20 fitness trends for 2014.  Fitness industry trends are a reflection of the current needs and expectations of the general population.  The definition of trend includes the phase “general development”, as opposed to a “fad”, which is described as “a fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period”.  Over the past eight years, the editors of the ACSM Health and Fitness Journal have developed an electronic survey distributed to nearly 30,000 fitness professionals worldwide to determine trends in the industry.  These surveys identify trends in the fitness industry in four sectors:

  • Commercial (for-profit fitness clubs, gyms and specialty studios)
  • Clinical (medical fitness centers, hospital fitness facilities)
  • Community (YMCA, JCC, not-for-profit facilities)
  • Corporate (wellness programs, onsite fitness facilities)

Finding a Personal Trainer – Interviewing the Candidate

300px Personal trainer assisting and correcting a client during a fitball stretching exercise Finding a Personal Trainer – Interviewing the Candidate

It’s New Year’s Resolution time and many of us break out our workout clothes and dusty sneakers, motivated to get back in shape and fit into our “skinny” clothes.  For those of us who need more than just access to a fitness club, personal trainers are a great option to get motivated, stay on track and get the results we are looking to achieve.


But like all things, no two personal trainers are alike.  With over 250,000 personal trainers in the US, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the quality and level of expertise can run the gamut. Read more.