Ask the Author – The Business of Personal Training

Successful personal trainers are continually learning new things and adding to their knowledge to stay ahead of the game.  Unfortunately, their job requires a significant amount of time in the day, leaving very little spare time for developing greater knowledge to better their business.  In an effort to help, has developed the “Ask the Author” series.

“Ask the Author” is focused on getting a different perspective directly from authors of fitness-oriented books and publications.  This segment features the author of the new book, “The Business of Personal Training: Essential Guide for the Successful Personal Trainer”. Read more.

Fitness Tip of the Day #10

TFT WorkoutMusic500x5001 Fitness Tip of the Day #10

Music makes exercise more enjoyable and has been proven to benefit overall performance

Fitness Tip of the Day:

Keep your music list current (and between 120 and 140 beats per minute) when you need a workout “boost”!

There’s no denying it!  Music is a secret weapon to getting a great workout and making the time in the gym seem to go by a little bit faster.  That’s why fitness clubs have music blasting in the background, group fitness classes are choreographed to music, and the majority of club members are wearing white earbuds as “standard uniform” in the cardio area and on the workout floor. Read more.

Best Paid Fitness Apps – iPhone & iPad

TFT MobileFitnessApp500x334 300x200 Best Paid Fitness Apps   iPhone & iPad

We can’t live without technology.  Now, getting fit just got easier with the wide variety of mobile apps for fitness, exercise, and nutrition to help us reach our goals.  Although there are a large number of FREE mobile apps for fitness and nutrition (for more information read the article, “Free Mobile Apps for Fitness – Too Good to be True?“), many of them are incomplete and leave users wanting more functionality. Read more.

Fitness Tip of the Day #8




When you fall off the program, get back up and start again.

Any fitness goal, whether it’s to lose weight, shed inches, get stronger, or run farther, requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and determination to achieve.  The journey is rarely one without bumps, bruises and “detours” along the way.  When adversity strikes (which is inevitable) it’s important to see the big picture and stay focused on the end goal.